Home Generating JSON Schema from .Net Types
Generating JSON Schema from .Net Types

Generating JSON Schema from .Net Types

JsonSchema.Net.Generation is an extension package to JsonSchema.Net that provides JSON Schema generation from .Net types.

Using it is quite simple. First you need a JsonSchemaBuilder. Then…

var schema = schemaBuilder.FromType<MyType>().Build();


The validating converter described in this document requires AOT-incompatible reflection to operate, so it will not be usable in a Native AOT context.


Ideally, this functionality should be used to create a starting point in authoring a schema. The schemas output by this library should be reviewed by actual people prior to being put into a production system.

The JSON Schema team generally recommends against real-time schema generation.

The suggested approach is to have a dedicated schema generation data model, separate from your domain model and DTOs, from which schemas are generated. Generation can be done as an independent developer activity or as part of a CI/CD build chain. This helps separate serialization and validation concerns and prevent overburdening your domain/DTO models with a bunch of attributes.

Making better schemas

The above will give you a basic schema that will include the type keyword, and maybe a listing of the properties. But many times you have more detailed requirements of the data you’re receiving. For example,

  • some properties may be required
  • string properties may have length requirements
  • numeric properties may have value range requirements

All of these and more are supplied via a set of attributes that can be applied to properties, and some can be applied to to types. The following attributes are included in this package:

  • Numeric values
    • Minimum
    • ExclusiveMinimum
    • Maximum
    • ExclusiveMaximum
    • MultipleOf
  • Strings
    • MinLength
    • MaxLength
    • Pattern
  • Arrays
    • MinItems
    • MaxItems
    • UniqueItems
  • All
    • Id
    • Required & Nullable (see below)
    • Obsolete* (translates to deprecated)
    • JsonExclude**
    • Title
    • Description
    • Const ***
    • Default ***
    • ReadOnly
    • WriteOnly
  • Conditional (see Conditionals)
    • If
    • Then
    • Else

* The [Obsolete] attribute is System.Obsolete. All of the others have been defined within this library. System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations support is currently in discussion.

** The [JsonExclude] attribute functions equivalently to [JsonIgnore] (see below). It is included to allow generation to skip a property or an enum member while allowing serialization to consider it.

*** Even though the const and default keywords in JSON Schema can accept any JSON value, because they are attributes, [Const] and [Default] can only accept values which are compile-time constants.

The System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations annotations are not (and likely will not be) supported by this library. Defining the above attributes separately allows alignment with JSON Schema and separation of concerns between serialization and validation.

Simply add the attributes directly to the properties and the corresponding keywords will be added to the schema.

For properties typed with generic collections, like List<T>, the schema will automatically generate an items keyword and generate a schema for the indicated T. If your T is a numeric value or a string, then you can also apply the relevant attributes and they’ll be applied in the items subschema.

For example, this object:

class MyClass
    public List<int> MyList{ get; set; }

will be translated to this schema:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "MyList": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "integer",
        "minimum": 10
      "uniqueItems": true

The minimum is applied to the items because that keyword is not relevant for an array.

This means that the generator will have trouble determining where to apply keywords to properties like List<List<T>> because the attributes could be relevant for both the outer and inner lists.

The generator also supports these .Net-defined attributes:

  • JsonPropertyName - supports custom property naming (more on naming below)
  • JsonNumberHandling* - supports allowing numeric values in strings or only as numbers as well as allowing the NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity values.
  • JsonIgnore* - ignores a property or an enum member

* These attributes were introduced with .Net 5. The .Net Standard 2.0 version of the library also provides a definition for them.

The generator will handle most common types:

  • numeric types (int, decimal, etc.)
  • bool
  • string
  • enumerations (mapped to strings)
  • Uri
  • JsonPointer (from JsonPointer.Net)
  • JsonObject, JsonArray, & JsonValue (from namespace System.Text.Json.Nodes)
  • Guid
  • DateTime
  • collections (IEnumerable<T>)
  • string-keyed dictionaries (Dictionary<string, TValue>)
  • enumeration-keyed dictionaries (keys are mapped to strings)
  • POCOs

For POCOs, read-only properties and fields will be marked with a readOnly keyword, and write-only properties (those with only a setter) will be marked with a writeOnly keyword. These behaviors can be overridden by applying the appropriate keyword with a false value.

Lastly, property names will either be listed as declared in code (default) or sorted by name. This is controlled via the SchemaGeneratorConfiguration.PropertyOrder property.

Setting identifiers and referencing external schemas

In JSON Schema, the $id keyword is the primary way to create an identifier for a schema. To create an identifier for a .Net type, you’ll use the [Id] attribute along with a URI. This has two effects:

  • If the attribute is found on the root type (the type used in the .FromType<T>() call), then the $id keyword will be added to the schema.
  • If the attribute is found on a type used for a property, then a reference ($ref) will be created.

For example, let’s look at these classes:

class Foo
    public Bar Value { get; set; }

class Bar
    public int Number { get; set; }

When we call .FromType<Foo>(), the following schema will be generated:

  "$id": "https://docs.json-everything.net/foo",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "Value": { "$ref": "https://docs.json-everything.net/bar" }

Notice that the attribute on Foo was converted to an $id keyword, but the attribute on Bar was used in a reference.

Another way to apply references is through the configuration’s ExternalReferences property. This property is a mapping that allows you to provide an $id URI for a given type, and can be useful for when you don’t have the ability to modify a type, but you want to create a reference to it.

The ExternalReferences configuration will override any [Id] attributes.

var config = new SchemaGenerationConfiguration
    ExternalReferences = 
        [typeof(DateTime)] = "https://docs.json-everything.net/date-time"

Now when we generate a schema for

class Person
    // ...
    public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }

we’ll get a reference for DateTime instead of a schema.

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    // ...
    "BirthDate": { "$ref": "https://docs.json-everything.net/date-time" }

XML comment support

In addition to the explicit attributes above, the XML comment <Summary> element can be configured to render to a description keyword. Because .Net saves this information into an external XML file instead of into the reflection data, you’ll need to have a configuration object and register the XML filename.

var config = new SchemaGeneratorConfiguration();
// MyModel is any type from the assembly.  A single registration will
// cover the entire assembly.

var schema = new JsonSchemaBuilder.FromType<MyModel>(config).Build();

Explicitly using the [Description] attribute will override XML comments, and XML comments on members will override XML comments on types.

It has been noted by a user that this extension method can be useful if the XML comments file is adjacent to the assembly in the file system.

public static void RegisterXmlCommentFile<T>(this SchemaGeneratorConfiguration configuration)
    configuration.RegisterXmlCommentFile<T>(typeof(T).Assembly.Location.Replace(".dll", ".xml"))

This will likely be added in a future version.


There is a discrepancy between how .Net does validation and how JSON Schema does validation that centers primarily around nullable types and the [Required] attribute.

Those familiar with .Net validation will recognize that having [Required] on your models will also protect against null values when deserializing. However, JSON Schema separates these two concepts, and this library strives to align with JSON Schema in order to give the most flexibility.

To this end, the [Required] attribute will only be represented in generated schemas in the required keyword.

However, for nullable types, it may or may not be appropriate to include null in the type keyword. JsonSchema.Net.Generation controls this behavior via the SchemaGeneratorConfiguration.Nullability option with individual properties being overrideable via the [Nullable(bool)] attribute.

There are four options:

  • Disabled - This is the default. The resulting schemas will not have null in the type keyword unless [Nullable(true)] is used.
  • AllowForNullableValueTypes - This will add null to the type keyword for nullable value types (i.e. Nullable<T>) unless [Nullable(false)] is used.
  • AllowForReferenceTypes - This will add null to the type keyword for reference types unless [Nullable(false)] is used.
  • AllowForAllTypes - This is a combination of the previous two and will add null to the type keyword for any type unless [Nullable(false)] is used.

This library cannot detect whether the consuming code has nullable reference types enabled. Therefore all reference types are considered nullable.

The library makes a distinction between nullable value types and reference types because value types must be explicitly nullable. This differs from reference types which are implicitly nullable, and there’s not a way (via the type itself) to make a reference type non-nullable.

Property naming

In addition to the [JsonPropertyName] attribute, the configuration exposes a PropertyNamingMethod that allows you to define a custom method for altering property names from your code into the schema. The PropertyNamingMethods static class defines a few commonly-used conventions:

  • camelCase
  • PascalCase
  • kebab-case
  • snake_case

Just set this property and the system will adjust property names accordingly.

Note that the [JsonPropertyName] attribute takes precedence, so you can still use this to get custom naming when you’ve configured a method.

Additional built-in support

There are a couple advanced features that bear mentioning.

First, the system does have some loop detection logic in order to support self-referencing or loop-referencing types.

Secondly, the system will collect common subschemas into a $defs keyword at the root. Identification of a subschema is by its type and the collection of attributes it is processed with. The locations with these common subschemas will be replaced by a $ref that points to the appropriate entry in $defs.

Generating a properly descriptive-while-terse name is hard. This library makes a fair attempt at it, generating names like myType for MyType and arrayOfInteger for int[] or List<int>. If this proves insufficient for your needs, implement your own naming as an ITypeNameGenerator and assign it to SchemaGenerationContextOptimizer.TypeNameGenerator.

If you only want to handle specific types in your generator and are happy with the library’s generation for others, simply return null from your generator and the library’s generation will be used.

Extending support

The above will work most of the time, but occasionally you may find that you need some additional support. Happily, the library is configured for you to provide that support yourself.

There are four areas that can be utilized in order to get the results you’re after.

  • Generators
  • Intents
  • Attributes
  • Refiners

These do not all need to be implemented.


These are the first phase of generation. When encountering a type, the system will find the first registered generator that can handle that type. The generator then creates keyword intents (see “Intents” below). The supported types list above is merely a list of the built-in generators.

To create a new generator, you’ll need to implement the ISchemaGenerator interface and register it using the GeneratorRegistry.Register() static method. This will insert your generator at the top of the list so that it has priority.

This means that the order your generators are registered is important: last one wins. So if you want one generator to have priority over another, register the higher priority one last.

This class doesn’t need to be complex. Here’s the implementation for the BooleanSchemaGenerator:

internal class BooleanSchemaGenerator : ISchemaGenerator
    public bool Handles(Type type)
        return type == typeof(bool);

    public void AddConstraints(SchemaGeneratorContextBase context)
        context.Intents.Add(new TypeIntent(SchemaValueType.Boolean));

Very simple. It says that it handles booleans and then it does.

To explain how it does, we need to discuss intents.

The Context Object

The context holds all of the data you need to determine which intents need to be applied. It is defined by a base class, SchemaGeneratorContextBase, and two derivations, TypeGenerationContext and MemberGenerationContext.

TypeGenerationContext represents generation of just a type (including attributes present on the type itself), whereas MemberGenerationContext represents generation of an object member, which will have a type (and its attributes) and possibly additional attributes as a member.

MemberGenerationContext will only be created if there are handled attributes; attributes which are unhandled will be ignored, so two properties with the same type, but different sets of unhandled custom attributes will receive the same context object. See the Attributes section below for more on handling custom attributes.

The data exposed by contexts are:

  • Type - the type for which a schema is being generated
  • ReferenceCount - the number of times this context has been used
  • Intents - the collection of intents that represent this type
  • Hash - a hash value that can be used to identify this object

MemberGenerationContext also defines:

  • BasedOn - a context on which this context builds
  • Attributes - additional attributes defined on the member


The JsonSchema type and its keywords are immutable. So even if we could get to the keyword list inside the JsonSchemaBuilder, we wouldn’t be able to edit the keywords to perform optimizations.

Happily, this has led to a new type that mimics keywords to hold their data until the keywords are ready to be built. That new type is the keyword intent, manifested in this library by the ISchemaKeywordIntent interface.

The intent is keyword-specific and holds the data needed to actually build the keyword.

Once the system has analyzed the type and collected all of the intents, it extracts any common subschemas into a $defs intent, then applies them to the builder that was provided at the beginning of the process. This application of the intents generates the keywords.

Most intents are pretty simple to implement. Here’s the TypeIntent from above:

public class TypeIntent : ISchemaKeywordIntent
    public SchemaValueType Type { get; set; }

    public TypeIntent(SchemaValueType type)
        Type = type;

    public void Apply(JsonSchemaBuilder builder) => builder.Type(Type);

See? The Apply() method just takes the builder, and adds a keyword with the data that it already collected. Pretty easy.

In v1.x of the library, implementing the equality methods (Equals() and GetHashCode()) was required. As of v2.0, this is unnecessary.

This will work for most intents, but some keywords contain subschemas. For these, we don’t want to hold a subschema because, as mentioned before, they can’t be edited. Instead, we’ll hold a context object that represents the subschema: its type, attribute set, and the intents required to build it. For these intents, we also want to implement IContextContainer. Here’s the ItemsIntent:

public class ItemsIntent : ISchemaKeywordIntent, IContextContainer
    public SchemaGeneratorContextBase Context { get; private set; }

    public ItemsIntent(SchemaGeneratorContextBase context)
        Context = context;

    public void Replace(int hashCode, SchemaGeneratorContextBase newContext)
        if (Context.Hash == hashCode)
            Context = newContext;

    public void Apply(JsonSchemaBuilder builder) => builder.Items(Context.Apply());

As of v3, IContextContainer requires only a single method: Replace().

Another method GetContexts() was used in v1.x but was no longer used as of v2.0 and was marked obsolete with v2.0.1.

Replace() replaces a context with a given hash code with a new context. This is called when the system is creating $ref intents that point to the new $defs intent it’s building and distributing them throughout the context tree. Once all the $refs are distributed, the system will add the $defs intent to the root context to be applied at the last step.

Generally intents for applicator keywords, which are keywords that have subschemas (anyOf, allOf, etc.), will need to implement this second interface. In most cases, you can just copy this code.


The other source for intents are attributes. These are handled once the generator has completed adding the intents it needs to.

When processing, types and object properties are analyzed for the presence of any of the above attributes. Each of the attributes can then add its intents to the context.

To create your own attribute and have it processed by the system, it’ll need to implement IAttributeHandler<T> as well.

The attribute itself is pretty simple. It’s just a class that inherits from Attribute, implements IAttributeHandler<T>, and carries some data. Here’s MaximumAttribute:

public class MaximumAttribute : Attribute, IAttributeHandler<MaximumAttribute>
    public uint Value { get; }

    public MaximumAttribute(uint value)
        Value = value;

    void IAttributeHandler.AddConstraints(SchemaGeneratorContextBase context)
        if (!context.Type.IsNumber()) return;

        context.Intents.Add(new MaximumIntent(Value));

The AddConstraints() method works exactly the same as in the generator class. A key difference here is that you will need to guard against unrelated types. For instance, with MaximumAttribute above, it doesn’t make sense to have maximum on a non-numeric type, so we check it before adding the intent.

.IsNumber() is an extension method on Type that determines if it’s a numeric type. It is defined in Json.More.Net. There are a few more of these helper extensions as well.

The occasion may arise where you want to handle an attribute that’s defined in some other assembly, and you can’t make it implement IAttributeHandler<T>. For these cases, just implement the handler class, and then add it using one of the AttributeHandler.AddHandler() static methods. A handler can be removed using the AttributeHandler.RemoveHandler<T>() static method, passing the handler type for T.

Some intents (e.g. AnyOfIntent) take IEnumerable<ISchemaKeywordIntent[]>. Note that this is a collection of intent arrays. In these cases, each array represents a separate subschema.

The confusing bit is that these also have a params overload that appears to just take ISchemaKeywordIntent[]. However, it works the same as the non-params overload in that each array represents a subschema.


Sometimes you may need to make minor adjustments to the generated schemas dynamically. For this you’ll need to create an implementation of ISchemaRefiner.

Refiners are called after all intents have been generated for each type, recursively, throughout the process.

To implement a refiner, two methods will be needed:

  • bool ShouldRun(SchemaGeneratorContextBase) which determines whether the refiner needs to run for the current generation iteration.
  • void Run(SchemaGeneratorContextBase) which makes whatever modifications are needed.

Remember that a this point, you’re stil working with intents. You can add new ones as well as modify or remove existing ones. You really have complete freedom within a refiner.

That’s it

That should get you generating schemas for all of your types. If you come up with ideas or implement your own extensions and think they’d be handy if they were built in, feel free to open up an issue or a pull request.
