Home JsonSchema.Net



#791 - Fixes an issue with ValidatingConverter where options weren’t being honored for explicitly mapped types. Thanks to @pian0 for reporting and creating replicating tests.


Fixes an issue with unevaluated* keyword output where the instance location would contain repeated pointer segments.


#778 - Addresses a potential IndexOutOfRangeException that could occur for large schemas. Thanks to @Laniusexcubitor for bouncing ideas and testing.


#773 - @rikbosch recommended and patched a performance improvement around regular expression handling.

Adds new methods which access patterns with strings instead of Regex instances. This allows the Regex class to handle caching, which can reduce memory usage in various cases including using the same patterns across multiple schemas.

PatternKeyword.InvalidPattern and PatternProperties.InvalidPatterns are no longer used. Deserialization of invalid patterns will now throw RegexParseException, which aligns better with the JsonSchemaBuilder experience (invalid patterns passed to .Pattern() or .PatternProperties will not compile).


Update to use JsonPointer.Net v5.0.2.


Added a backdoor to allow Graeae to support draft 4 schemas.


Adds EvaluationOptions.AllowReferencesIntoUnknownKeywords to optionally disallow $ref navigation into unknown keywords.


minContains and maxContains annotations were still being discovered by contains when validating as Draft 6/7 even though minContains and maxContains are Draft 2019-90+ keywords.


Issue identified via Bowtie where SchemaRegistry.Fetch() would just return the document, ignoring any anchors.


#726 - @filzrev discovered a thread-safety issue.


Fixes an issue where URI lookups consider the fragment. This can cause issues if the user has supplied their own SchemaRegistry.Fetch method and performs a lookup by merely .ToString()-ing the URI and performing string equality.


Versions 7.0.0.x are just repackaging of 7.0.0. There were some issues getting the dependencies right. I’ve unlisted all but Thanks to @na1307 for reporting the issue and helping verify the fix.

Updated to use JsonPointer.Net v5.0.0, which contains breaking changes (release notes).

Also includes numerous refactors for better evaluation times and memory management.

Benchmark of the JSON Schema Test Suite before and after changes:

6.1.21412.7 ms14.16 ms41.30 ms27000.00001000.000082.66 MB
7.0.01296.5 ms5.82 ms10.03 ms21000.00004000.000072.81 MB
6.1.2101,074.7 ms22.24 ms63.82 ms218000.000011000.0000476.56 MB
7.0.010903.0 ms17.96 ms40.91 ms202000.00009000.0000443.65 MB

Breaking changes

  • EvaluationOptions
    • EvaluateAs is now init-only
    • VocabularyRegistry removed
  • VocabularyRegistry is now a static class
  • SchemaRegistry
    • parameterless constructor removed (was marked obsolete)
    • Get(uri) will either return an IBaseDocument instance or throw RefResolutionException (previously would return null)
  • IJsonSchemaKeyword.GetConstraint(SchemaConstraint, IReadOnlyList<KeywordConstraint>, EvaluationContext) updated to GetConstraint(SchemaConstraint, ReadOnlySpan<KeywordConstraint>, EvaluationContext)
  • EvaluationExtensions.GetKeywordConstraint<T>(IEnumerable<KeywordConstraint>) updated to GetKeywordConstraint<T>(ReadOnlySpan<KeywordConstraint>)
  • JsonSchemaExtensions methods with return type of IReadOnlyCollection<T> updated to IReadOnlyList<T> to match keyword output
  • JsonPointers static class renamed to CommonJsonPointers
  • KeywordExtensions static class consolidated into SchemaKeywordRegistry


  • CommonJsonPointers.GetNumberSegment(int) for easy re-use of numeric pointer segments
  • (.Net Standard 2.0) NetStandardExtensions.GetValueOrDefault<TKey, TValue>(this IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>, TKey) to mirror same method available in .Net 8
  • RefResolutionException (derives from JsonSchemaException) thrown when a reference cannot be resolved
  • VocabularyRegistry.Unregister(Vocabulary) to remove a registration

Other changes

There was a lot of refactoring internally. Most impactfully, the schema registry now performs a lot more analysis on registration, like identifying anchors, dialects, and spec version as well as propagating base URIs. Previously this was done on initial evaluation.

6.1.2 (No PR)

Revert changes from v6.1.0 as they broke functionality in satellite packages. Will reintroduce with next major version. Until then, the returns from these methods can be safely cast to IReadOnlyList<T>.


Fixed an exception message.


#711 - Nuget package meta-data updates; no functional changes from previous version.


#704 - Several builder extension return types expanded from IReadOnlyCollection<T> to IReadOnlyList<T>. Thanks to @SGStino for identifying and implementing this.


#697 - allOf, anyOf, oneOf, and prefixItems all require at least one subschema, but deserialization of these keywords didn’t enforce this. Fix will throw ArgumentException when attempting to deserialize empty subschema sets. Thanks to @Era-cell for reporting this.


Marked Pre202012EvaluationResultsJsonConverter as obsolete. The 2019-09/2020-12 output structure isn’t very well specified, and making the current EvaluationResults architecture serialize to these formats isn’t worth the effort.


#690 - Fixes an issue with $anchor validation in 2020-12. Thanks to @Era-cell for reporting this.

Fixed an issue with legacy output serialization.


#677 - Fixes an issue with serializing schemas that use custom keywords when those keywords are not registered with a JsonTypeInfo because reflection is okay. Thanks to @ProTip for reporting this and providing a reproduction.


Fixes an issue with repeated evaluations of the same schema with different or changed options. The solution was to recalculate any static analysis when an options change was detected.


Reverted usages of DependsOnAnnotationsFromAttribute<T> to non-generic form in order to support .Net Framework, which doesn’t support generic attributes.

The generic attribute is still defined and usable, but only do so if you’re not targeting .Net Framework.

6.0.0 & 6.0.1

v6.0.0 is missing an explicit .Net 8 DLL. The package was repaired and republished as v6.0.1.

Updated for multi-framework support with .Net Standard 2.0 and .Net 8 with Native AOT support, including updating System.Text.Json from v6 to v8.

Most of the changes to support Native AOT involve either updating internal implementation or creating overloads that do. Whatever could not be updated was marked as requiring reflection, which will generate warnings when building Native AOT applications.

Breaking changes

  • Dropping support for .Net Standard 3.1 - May still be used, but exact behavior cannot be guaranteed.
  • Keyword converters are no longer responsible for writing their property name when serializing. This is now handled by JsonSchema’s converter.
  • ErrorMessages.Dependencies removed. Was previously marked obsolete. Use .DependentSchemas and .DependentRequired when customizing the message for dependencies.
  • ErrorMessages.InvalidItemsForm removed. Invalid form of items results in an exception.
  • ErrorMessages.InvalidPattern removed. Invalid patterns result in an exception.
  • JsonSchemaBuilderExtensions.Validate() removed. Was previously marked obsolete.
  • JsonSchemaExtensions.Validate() and overloads removed. Were previously marked obsolete.
  • JsonNodeExtensions.VerifyJsonObject() removed. Duplicate keys throws an exception.
  • Custom keywords MUST now implement IWeaklyTypedJsonConverter (or derive from WeaklyTypedJsonConverter<T> from Json.More.Net).


  • JsonSchema.TypeInfoResolver to expose all of the type resolvers contained in the library. Can be used to create a combined SerializationOptions by using a Json.More.TypeResolverOptionsManager in your JsonSerializerContext.
  • DependsOnAnnotationsFromAttribute<T> (non-generic version still exists)

Other chanages

  • JsonSchema.FromFile(string, JsonSerializerOptions?) marked AOT-incompatible; added .FromFile(string).
  • JsonSchema.FromText(string, JsonSerializerOptions?) marked AOT-incompatible; added .FromText(string).
  • JsonSchema.FromStream(string, JsonSerializerOptions?) marked AOT-incompatible; added .FromStream(string).
  • SchemaKeywordRegistry.Register<T>() marked AOT-incompatible, usages to be replaced with .Register<T>(JsonSerializerContext).
  • [JsonSchema] attribute marked AOT-incompatible.
  • Methods in ValidatingConverter marked AOT-incompatible.


Fix typo in minProperties error message. Thanks to @ArmaanMcleod for submitting this fix.


#604 - Performance improvements. Thanks to @danielstarck for contributing these.

#605 - Support external types for validating JSON converter.


#600 - Reported schema location not correct for JSON Schemas embedded within non-schema JSON documents (e.g. OpenAPI). Thanks to @Fresa for reporting.


#574 - Bundling multi-schema recursion throws an exception. Thanks to @Tommyknocker1982 for reporting.


#570 - RFC 3339 date/times require the time zone offset. Thanks to @danielstarck for identifying and fixing this issue.


#549 - Expose JSON converters for all types to support JSON source generation.


#550 - Fixed a stack overflow that would occur with ValidatingJsonConverter when using multiple options objects. Thanks to @EmmyDream for reporting.


Added EvaluationOptions.AddAnnotationForUnknownKeywords which adds an annotation that contains an array of unknown keywords in the schema.


Fixed an issue with resolving $refs that point into supported non-applicator keywords. (JSON Schema optional behavior)

Fixed deserialization bug where allOf, anyOf, and oneOf would allow a single schema instead of an array of schemas. This now throws a JsonException as expected.


Fixed an issue where subschemas that declared different $schema from their parent couldn’t use features that were undefined by parent dialect but defined by the subschema dialect.


Found an issue with constraint generation in parallel processing scenarios. Constraints should only need to be generated once. Thanks to @MODUSCarstenScholling for providing data to replicate the issue.

Also updates Json.More.Net reference to v1.9.0.


minItmes was using the maxItems error message. Classic copy/paste error.


Unrecognized keywords were not being processed (no annotations produced) for schemas that included a $schema keyword.

If you’re also using JsonSchema.Net.Data, you’ll need to update to v4.0.1 of that library.


#516 - JsonSchemaBuilder.Build() throws an exception when multiple unrecognized keywords have been added. Thanks to @mdekrey for finding this and suggesting the fix. #517 - Deserialization of JsonSchema does not correctly report line numbers and positions in source JSON text. Thanks to @mdekrey for finding this and implementing the fix.


#511 - JsonNodeBaseDocument had some concurrency issues. Thanks to @Fresa for finding and fixing this issue.


Added JsonSchema.GetAnchor().

oneOf now produces an annotation of the number of successful validations (not required by the spec).

Fixed bug in keyword access extensions. These methods should return null if the keyword is not found, but instead would throw exceptions.

#504 - Fixed bug for JsonSchema.GetKeyword() and JsonSchema[string]. These should return null if the keyword doesn’t exist but would throw exceptions. Thanks to @mirkoSekulic for reporting this.

#506 - Fixed bug for JsonSchema.FindSubschema() where the pointer lead into a keyword that held a single subschema, e.g. additionalProperties. Thanks to @Splamy for reporting this.


Just expose the local schema that you’re already storing, you doof.

Adds SchemaConstraint.LocalSchema. Removed method since it didn’t actually work. Bad idea.

5.1.2 (unlisted)

This one, too.

Fixing 👇. Test your code, folks!

5.1.1 (unlisted)

Just ignore this.

Added SchemaConstraint.GetLocalSchema() for accessing the local schema. (To be used as a last resort, but may be necessary.)


#493 - Add support for reporting error messages in multiple cultures in parallel. Thanks to @m-adamkiewicz for the suggestion.


New architecture for keyword evaluation that uses static analysis to save some evaluation work, thus reducing execution times and memory allocations significantly.

Breaking Changes

  • IJsonSchemaKeyword.Evaluate() removed, replaced by IJsonSchemaKeyword.GetConstraint(). All keywords updated.
  • EvaluationContext completely reworked; now carries a lot less information.
  • IEquatable<T> no longer required for keyword implementations. Equality methods removed from all keywords and from JsonSchema.
  • EvaluationResults.Ignore() removed as keyword evaluations can be skipped using other means.
  • [SchemaPriority] attribute removed as priorities are now calculated based on usage of [DependsOnAnnotationsFrom] attribute.


  • IJsonSchemaKeyword.GetConstraint()
  • SchemaConstraint
  • SchemaEvaluation
  • KeywordConstraint
  • KeywordEvaluation

Other Changes

  • Updated English language resource file for clearer error messages.


Fixes several issues where keyword names were not reported in the evaluation path in the output.


Update keyword selection for custom drafts (support for upcoming OpenAPI project).


schemaLocation in the draft-next output formatting requires a pointer fragment, even if that fragment is empty (refers to the root).

4.1.5 (no PR)

Republished, splitting language packs into their own Nuget packages.


The JSON Schema spec states that the value of the enum keyword SHOULD contain unique values, but this isn’t a hard requirement. This change allows duplicate values.


#457 - @pawel-wachalski added Norwegian and Swedish as supported translations for error messages.


#468 - @Fresa found that JsonNodeBaseDocument doesn’t properly resolve references in schemas that it contatins and proposed the fix.


Powershell PR #19610 - Support for *nix-based file paths caused an error in setting the base URI that resulted in the first folder in the path being interpreted as the URI host.


Adds support for schema validation during deserialization.

  • Adds [JsonSchema] attribute
  • Adds ValidatingJsonConverter


v4.0.1 used an ISO 8601 regex to enable higher-precision support. This has been corrected to use an RFC 3339 regex instead for proper JSON Schema support. However, as reported in #439, .Net doesn’t like deserialization of RFC 3339 date-times.


Schemas loaded with .FromFile() have a bad URI set that prevents fragments being added. This is a .Net bug. The result of this bug is that schemas loaded with .FromFile() cannot resolve references correctly. This update includes a workaround to fix the behavior. Thanks to @faldor20 for working on the issue initially, and to @jpmikkers for finding a scenario that led to finding the root cause.


#432 - Local $refs that occur at the root of a draft 6 or 7 schema cause nested $refs in the same schema resource to fail. Thanks to @Jeroen-VDW for following up.


#432 - Local $refs that occur at the root of a draft 6 or 7 schema don’t resolve. Thanks to @Jeroen-VDW for reporting this issue.


#426 - $refs that pointed to schemas with file:// URIs don’t resolve correctly. Thanks to @faldor20 for finding and fixing this issue.


#419 - Fixed an issue with schema registration and populating IDs. Thanks to @lennver for providing reproduction for this issue.


  • Add IIdKeyword to potentially support using an ID keyword other than $id (foot gun, generally, please don’t use)
  • Fix bundling issue when the schema contains items - thanks to @amis92 for finding and reporting this bug
  • JsonSchema.GetType() extension is blocked by object.GetType(), so it has been renamed to .GetJsonType()
  • Add implicit conversions from JsonSchema, List<string>, and string[] to SchemaOrPropertyList to help with JsonSchemaBuilder.Dependencies() syntax
  • Add support for higher-precision date-time formats - thanks to @faldor20 for submitting this


This update adds support for the latest version of JSON Schema while also making a few architectural changes to ease the burden for implementing custom keywords.

It also renames several methods from “Validate” to “Evaluate” to reflect the idea that processing a schema has more uses than merely validation. Extension methods have been created (and marked with [Obsolete]) to ease the transition in consuming code. These extension methods will be removed with the next major version.

Breaking Changes

  • JsonSchema
    • Validate() renamed to Evaluate()
    • ValidateSubschema() removed, replaced with EvaluationContext.Evaluate()
  • ValidationOptions
    • renamed to EvaluationOptions
    • ValidateAs renamed to EvaluateAs
    • ValidateMetaSchema renamed to ValidateAgainstMetaSchema
    • DefaultBaseUri removed. Schemas now generate a random base URI upon creation. The pre-evaluation scan has been updated to set base URIs for all schemas and subschemas.
  • ValidationResults
    • renamed to EvaluationResults
    • ConsolidateAnnotations() removed
    • TryGetAnnotation() updated to well-known “try” pattern: bool TryGetAnnotations(string, out JsonNode)
    • Pass() removed (keyword is assumed to pass unless Fail is called)
  • Annotation type removed (annotations are simply saved as JsonNodes in EvaluationResults)
  • ValidationContext
    • renamed to EvaluationContext
    • ValidationOptions renamed to EvaluationOptions
    • Push() optional parameters removed and overloads created
      • Push(JsonPointer instanceLocation, JsonNode? instance, JsonPointer evaluationPath, JsonSchema subschema, Uri? newUri = null) used for new schema & instance locations (e.g. keywords like properties)
      • Push(JsonPointer evaluationPath, JsonSchema subschema, Uri? newUri = null) used for new schema locations evaluating the same instance location (e.g. keywords like anyOf)
  • IJsonSchemaKeyword.Validate() renamed to IJsonSchemaKeyword.Evaluate() (applies to all keyword types as well)
  • JsonSchemaExtensions.Validate() renamed to JsonSchemaExtensions.Evaluate()
  • ErrorMessages & associated string resources
    • Contains replaced with ContainsTooFew and ContainsTooMany
    • MaxContains and MinContains removed
    • reference-related errors removed
  • Draft renamed to SpecVersion to align with the JSON Schema movement toward a stable specification
    • SchemaDraftAttribute renamed to SchemaSpecVersionAttribute
    • related methods and properties have also been updated
  • ApplicatorAttribute has been removed as it was unused
    • KeywordExtensions.IsApplicator() also removed
  • IAnchorProvider has been removed as its function has been internalized
  • IRefResolvable has been removed as its function has been internalized
  • SchemaRegistry
    • RegisterAnchor() remove as its function has been internalized
    • anchor parameter removed from Get()

Changes Driven by JSON Schema

  • Output formats are now Flag, List, and Hierarchical
    • ToBasic() has been renamed to ToList()
    • ToDetailed() has been removed
    • Pre202012EvaluationResultsJsonConverter has been added to serialize output as per draft 2020-12 and previous (with the exception of Detailed).
  • Output structure now modelled after JSON Schema draft-next output
    • ValidationResults.SchemaLocation renamed to EvaluationResults.EvaluationPath
    • ValidationResults.AbsoluteSchemaLocation renamed to EvaluationResults.SchemaLocation (note the same property name and different function)
  • A new exception JsonSchemaException will now be thrown for various scenarios where previously a failed validation would have been returned
    • failure to resolve $schema, $ref, $recursiveRef, and $dynamicRef
    • a keyword’s value is in a form that the current specification version does not allow (e.g. array form of items in draft 2020-12)

Additional Changes

  • Exposed static property Name on all keywords
  • Added IBaseDocument to represent any identifiable JSON document that may house a JSON Schema
  • Added JsonNodeBaseDocument as a general-use base document for any JsonNode
  • JsonSchema
    • Implements IBaseDocument
      • BaseUri is now public
      • FindSubschema() is now public
    • IsResourceRoot has been added
    • DeclaredVersion has been added
  • JsonSchemaExtensions
    • Added extensions for each keyword to enable easier keyword value access, e.g. schema.GetTitle()
    • Added .Bundle() to generate a bundled schema that includes all referenced schemas
    • Added .Validate() extensions to help ease transition from .Validate() to .Evaluate()
  • Added PropertyDependenciesKeyword
  • Added ICustomSchemaCollector to handle keywords that contain subschemas but don’t fit into one of the other “container” interfaces, e.g. propertyDependencies
  • Added MetaSchemas.DraftNext and associated properties
  • Added Vocabularies.DraftNext and associated properties
  • Added EvaluationOptions.IgnoredAnnotations to ignore annotations from specified keywords. These keywords are managed using:
    • IgnoreAnnotationsFrom<T>() where T : IJsonSchemaKeyword
    • IgnoreAllAnnotations()
    • ClearIgnoredAnnotations()
    • CollectAnnotationsFrom<T>()
  • Added DependsOnAnnotationsFromAttribute to support collecting annotations that have been configured to be excluded but are required for other keywords to function
  • Added Vocabularies.DraftNext, MetaSchemas.DraftNext and associated vocabs and meta-schemas
    • these will be renamed to match the next release of the JSON Schema specification before v4.0 is fully released

Also includes various performance enhancements, both increasing processing speed and reducing memory allocations.


Fixed issue where annotation collection is skipped but shouldn’t be when output format is configured to flag and unevaluated* keywords are present in the schema.


Fixed issue where dynamically-loaded schemas were not scanned for URI identifier keywords. Was not an issue if all referenced schemas were explicitly reloaded.


#340 - Added ValidationOptions.ProcessCustomKeywords to allow custom keywords for schema versions 2019-09 and later.


Fixed absolute schema location in output. The JSON Schema team identified some edge cases involving $dynamicRef where the wrong URI was reported.


Added JsonSchemaBuilderExtensions.PatternProperties() overloads that take strings in place of Regexes. There is no syntax highlighting support for these overloads, however.


🤦There were multiple issues with the meta-schemas because the self-validation tests were initially disabled (equality hadn’t been implemented yet). Re-enabling these tests highlighted several problems.

  • All meta-schemas adjusted to conform to online versions.
  • It’s contentEncoding not contentMediaEncoding

3.1.4 (No PR)

Continuation of v3.1.3 - Fixed array-valued items.


Fixed an issue with handling JSON null in instance data for keywords which change the instance location:

  • additionalItems
  • additionalProperties
  • contains
  • items
  • patternProperties
  • prefixItems
  • properties
  • unevaluatedItems
  • unevaluatedProperties


Updated min*/max* keywords to accept numbers with decimals as long as they still represent non-negative integer values, e.g. 1.0.

3.1.1 (no PR)

#288 - Just bumping version to pick up the latest Json.More.Net by default. This package pull Json.More.Net transitively via JsonPointer.Net which wasn’t updated with the move to JsonNode.


#284 - Added optional JsonSerializerOptions parameter in JsonSchema.FromFile(), .FromText(), and .FromStream().


Updated all functionality to use JsonNode instead of JsonElement.

Breaking Changes

JsonElement -> JsonNode type exchange changes not listed.

  • Removed obsolete members
    • IRefResolvable.ResolvePointerSegment() (and implementations)
    • Format.Validate() (and implementations)
    • JsonSchema.OtherData (and associated constructor parameter) which is now supported by UnrecognizedKeyword
  • Removed all JsonBuilderExtensions methods which take JsonElementProxy since JsonNode defines implicit casts from the appropriate types
  • LogExtensions.WrongValueKind() now takes SchemaValueType instead of JsonValueKind
  • Removed JsonSchemaExtensions(this JsonSchema, string, ValidationOptions) since the implicit cast from JsonNode was taking precendence

    IMPORTANT Removal of this extension will only manifest at runtime. Code that called this extension method will still compile, but the validations will most likely fail.

Additional Changes

  • Added JsonNodeExtensions to provide schema-specific functionality on top of what’s provided in Json.More.Net
    • .GetSchemaValueType() to get the JSON Schema type represented by a node
    • .VerifyJsonObject() to verify that the underlying data of a JsonObject can be processed. See this issue for more information.
  • Added JsonSchemaExtensions.Validate(this JsonSchema, JsonElement, ValidationOptions) to continue supporting elements
  • Added JsonSchemaBuilderExtensions.Validate(this JsonSchemaBuilder, JsonNode, ValidationOptions) as a convenience method
      // instead of
      var schema = builder.Build();
      var results = schema.Validate(json);
      // you can do
      var results = builder.Validate(json);


Added UnrecognizedKeyword to represent keywords that were not recognized by any known vocabulary. The values of these keywords are then captured in the validation results as annotations. As a result of this change JsonSchema.OtherData has been marked obsolete.


#190 - Added support for custom and localized error messages.


  • ErrorMessages static class which exposes all error message properties and allows for customization.
  • Embedded string resources which defines all error messages.


#243 - Updated System.Text.Json to version 6.

#245 - @ItsVeryWindy identified where allOf was reporting locations incorrectly in validation output.

#246 - @YaroslavHuriev noticed an issue with some formats where non-strings were not properly ignored. As part of this fix, Format.Validate(JsonElement) was marked obsolete as it has been replaced and is no longer called. It will be removed with the next major version.


#238 - @WeihanLi added extenion methods to create schemas directly from JsonDocument and strings that contain JSON data.


#220 - References to deeply nested subschemas could not be resolved through keywords that contained a single schema.

Resolving the above resulted in not needing IRefResolvable.ResolvePointerSegment(string). This method has been marked obsolete on the interface and will be removed with the next major version.


#226 - Fixed an issue with including unneeded nodes in Basic output.


Added JsonSchema.BoolValue to easily detect boolean schemas. Previously required checking JsonSchema.Keywords for null.

Fixed an issue with duration format parsing.


#216 - additionalProperties does not determine the correct property set to evaluate for drafts 6 and 7. Reported by @joyse1.

Fixed a bug in keyword filtering for subschemas.


#208 - @ItsVeryWindy discovered a regression where resolve local references to definitions located inside a bundled schema fail to resolve.


#207 - @ItsVeryWindy discovered a regression where bundling (embedding a schema of one draft inside a schema of another) fails to process the required keyword set.


Primary change is around how ValidationContext is handled throughout the validation process in order to significantly reduce memory footprint. Thanks to @dazerdude for reporting the issue and making suggestions that led to resolving this.

The majority of this change affects how keywords are implemented. Unless you’re implementing your own keywords, it’s unlikely that this change will break your code.

The validation context now only contains data required for validation. The validation result is now set directly on the validation result, which is also now exposed by the context.


  • ValidationContext
    • IsValid
    • Ignore
    • Message
    • Annotations
    • NestedContexts
    • HasNestedContexts
    • SiblingContexts
    • HasSiblingContexts
    • DynamicAnchors (was marked obsolete)
    • From() static method
    • ConsolidateAnnotations() (moved to ValidationResults)
    • SetAnnotation() (moved to ValidationResults)
    • TryGetAnntation() (moved to ValidationResults)
    • RegisterConsolidationMethod() (moved to ValidationResults)
    • ContextConsolidator delegate (moved to ValidationResults)
  • ValidationOptions
    • ValidationFormat (was marked obsolete)


  • Keywords now require a [SchemaDraft()] attribute to declare compatible drafts.
  • Draft is now a [Flags] enum and can be combined with the bitwise OR | operator.
  • EnumKeyword now uses a hash set to store values (improves performance). This means that it requires unique values. An ArgumentException will now be thrown if attempting to deserialize a schema with duplicate values inside an enum.
  • ValidationContext.SchemaRoot is now read-only. This is set by the initial call to .Validate() and shouldn’t need to be set by the client.


  • KeywordExtentions
    • SupportsDraft()
  • ValidationContext
    • Push()
    • Pop()
  • ValidationResults
    • HasNestedResults
    • HasAnnotations
    • Parent
    • ConsolidateAnnotations() (moved from ValidationContext)
    • SetAnnotation() (moved from ValidationContext)
    • TryGetAnntation() (moved from ValidationContext)
    • RegisterConsolidationMethod() (moved from ValidationContext)
    • ContextConsolidator delegate (moved from ValidationContext)
    • GetAllAnnotations<T>()
    • Pass()
    • Fail()


#203 - @coderpatros discovered a regression in format validation when the format is unkonwn.

Added option OnlyKnownKeywords to support validation failures on unknown keywords.

*NOTE Since this is fixing a regression, I’m only bumping the minor version.


#191 - Self-referencing meta-schemas cause an infinite loop during validation.

#193 - Custom format validations don’t provide sufficient information and don’t cause validation to fail when assertion is required.

  • Added UnknownFormat and Format.CreateUnknown.
  • Added JsonSchemaBuilder.Format(string) which looks up the format key.


Fixed bugs highlighted by updating test suite repository.

  • Advanced use cases for $dynamicRef and $dynamicAnchor
  • Added PatternKeyword.InvalidPattern and PatternPropertiesKeyword.InvalidPatterns to handle text that cannot be deserialized as a RegEx. These will now generate validation failures rather than deserialization exceptions.
  • Keywords are now properly filtered by their vocabularies if the meta-schema declared by $schema includes a $vocabulary keyword.
  • Added VocabularyRegistry.Get(Uri).


Updated JsonPointer.Net to v2.0.0. Please see release notes for that library as it contains breaking changes.


#175 - @ranma42 tidied up the schema registry initialization code, also resolving some concurrency issues.


#165 - @pbajrak discovered a copy/paste error in the message for minProperties.


Fixed minor issue with $dynamicRef/$dynamicAnchor and resolution within specific scopes.


Some format validations were incorrectly failing validations for incompatible types. For example, uri would fail on integers, but should pass (ignore non-strings).


format incorporates error messages from custom format validation, when provided.


format now adds an error message.


Revenge of #138 - @yohny found that the initialization issue still existed when not supplying custom validation options.


#138 - @wazzamatazz found an initialization issue that resulted in a NullReferenceException.


Fixed an issue with reference resolution when $ref and $id are sibling keywords in drafts 6 and 7.


#132 - Fixed some memory management issues around JsonDocument and JsonElement. Thanks to @ddunkin for finding and fixing these.


Added overload for ExitKeyword logging extension to pull the validition result from the context rather than having to pass it in.


In 2020-12, unevaluatedItems should consider contains.


#97 - Added support for circular reference detection.


#90 - Added JsonSchemaBuilder.Get<T>() to support the discussion around incrementally adding properties while building schemas.

Added optional logging around schema processing decisions.


Register the 2020-12 meta-schemas and vocabularies.

Fixed several issues with reusing options objects between validations.

Fixed $dynamic* keywords based on new tests in test suite.


#82 - Fixing issues managing ValidationContext.CurrentUri. Credit to @amosonn.


#79 - $ref was calling out to resolve a parent URI.


Fixes found by the release of the 2020-12 test suite.

  • $dynamicAnchor and $dynamicRef behavior.
  • make items and unevaluatedItems respect annotations from prefixItems.


Added support for nullable reference types.

Fixed various evaluation bugs around the various keywords involved with references.

Fixed content* keywords so that they only validate if the instance is a string.

Fixed #76 - .GetHashCode() is inconsistent for schemas and keywords. Credit to @amosonn for pointing me to a good hash code method in the wild.

RecursiveRef parameterless constructor marked obsolete in favor of new constructor which takes a boolean value. Schema builder extension also updated to include a parameter which defaults to true to maintain current behavior.


Exposed UriExtensions to help support new keywords that manipulate URIs.


Fixed #67 - enum keyword serializes as examples due to a copy-paste error. Credit to @dannyheard7 for finding and fixing. Also fixed several other related serialization issues.


  • Updated hard-coded 2020-12 meta-schemas to match the published documents.
  • Added the following JsonSchemaBuilder extension method overloads:
    • .DynamicRef(string)
    • .Const(JsonElementProxy)
    • .Default(JsonElementProxy)
    • .Enum(IEnumerable<JsonElementProxy>)
    • .Enum(params JsonElementProxy[])
    • .Examples(IEnumerable<JsonElement>)
    • .Examples(IEnumerable<JsonElementProxy>)
    • .Examples(params JsonElementProxy[])

(See Json.More.Net v1.3.0 for more information on JsonElementProxy.)


Signed the DLL for strong name compatibility.


Added support for Draft 2020-12.

  • Meta-schema validation now always occurs superficially in that it validates that the meta-schema is known. The ValidationOptions.ValidateMetaSchema option now only controls whether a full meta-schema validation of the schema will occur. This should only affect clients validating schemas declaring custom meta-schemas with the $schema keyword. Custom meta-schemas will now need to be loaded into the system manually or SchemaRegistry.Fetch will need to be set to retrieve it automatically.
  • Added all new vocabularies and meta-schemas.
  • New keywords:
    • $dynamicRef - replaces/augments $recursiveRef
    • $dynamicAnchor - replaces/augments $recursivAnchor
    • prefixItems - replaces array-form items
  • Added JsonSchemaBuilder extension method for $anchor which should have been added for draft 2019-09 support.
  • ValidationOptions.ValidateFormat has been obsoleted and replaced by ValidationOptions.RequireFormatValidation with the same semantics and default.
  • FormatKeyword now responds to the presence of the format vocabularies in the meta-schema declared by the $schema keyword as well as the ValidationOptions.RequireFormatValidation option. (Includes a bug fix for draft 2019-09 schemas that use a meta-schema that declare the format vocabulary with a value of true.)


Added debug symbols to package. No functional change.


Fixed NullReferenceException when comparing two schemas.


Updated wording for enum error message. This must remain generic and cannot include the expected values because the list could be long and the values could be quite large.


#35 JsonSchema.FromFile() handles file paths as URIs incorrectly in non-Windows systems.


#33 Added ValidationOptions.ValidateFormat which allows configuration of whether to validate the format keyword. Also fixes a bug where the format keyword was validated by default for draft 2019-09 which specifies that it should only generate annotations by default. Because this library favors the latest draft, this is the default behavior for all drafts.

As a further followup to #27 (below), basic output has been refined.


#27 (reopened) Better reduction of detailed output format which eliminates the notion that any nodes must be kept.

#29 Relative $id keyword at root of schema was not supported. Added ValidationOptions.DefaultBaseUri to be used when no other absolute URI is defined by the $id keyword. Also now supports assuming the base URI from the file name.


#27 Nodes in the basic and detailed output formats that match the overall outcome should be removed. This also addresses several other bugs involving the output such as absoluteKeywordLocation.


#15 Easier navigation of the schema and its subschemas. Added ISchemaContainer, ISchemaCollector, and IKeyedSchemaCollector for the varying sets of subschemas that keywords can have. Added SchemaKeywordExtensions.GetSubschemas() extension method.

#19 Keyword filtering doesn’t consider declared draft or ValidationOptions.ValidateAs.


([json-schema.org #358](https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-org.github.io/pull/358)) Published draft 06 meta-schema doesn't match the copy in the spec repo.

#16 JsonSchema equality checking. Along with this, added IEquatable<T> to SchemaKeywordRegistry.Register<T>().

#18 properties keyword is processed with same priority as additionalProperties making keyword order important, but it shouldn’t be.

Added EnumerableExtensions.ContentsEqual().


Added SchemaRegistry.Fetch property to enable automatic downloading of referenced schemas.


#9 if/then/else are processed in serialized order instead of processing if first.

#10 Bug fix around deserialization of readonly keyword.


Updated format json-pointer to require plain pointers. URI-encoded pointers are invalid.


Updated validation of formats hostname, iri, uri, regex, and time.

Fixed issue resolving references ($ref & $recursiveRef) to miscellaneous (non-keyword) schema data.


Initial release.
